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Primary Research Group has published Institutional Digital Repository Benchmarks, 2013 Edition, ISBN 978-1-57440-238-4

Primary Research Group has published Institutional Digital Repository Benchmarks, 2013 Edition, ISBN 978-1-57440-238-4.


This 117-page study presents data from 33 institutions, mostly universities and other colleges, about their institutional digital repositories. The report presents hard data on the holdings of the repositories, and the growth in their stock of journal articles, books, dissertations, images, video and other forms of intellectual property. The study also gives detailed info on budgets and operating costs, including the cost of professional labor, as well as details on what is downloaded from the sites and by whom. These details include data on downloads from within or outside the institution, and by nation of origin of the downloader, among other variables. In addition, the study looks at issues such as marketing the repository, assuring cooperation from faculty, sources of funding, impact on the parent institution's reputation, growth rates of content and downloading, trends in cataloging and other issues.


Just a few of the report's many findings are that:

  • 54.55% of repositories sampled contain video files.
  • 21.1% of the repositories sampled publish an annual report.
  • 9.1% of repositories in the sample have their own Facebook site.
  • 36.3% of colleges in the sample with more than 25,000 students have formed reciprocal access, development or marketing arrangements with other digital repositories.
  • The median number of direct downloads of articles, image files and other forms of intellectual property from the repositories in the sample in the past year was 158,332. The maximum was close to 2,900,000.
  • Close to 45% of repository downloads come from scholars and other users within the institution itself.

The study is available in print and PDF format for $98.00. Site licenses cost $219.00. For a table of contents, list of participants, questionnaire and free excerpt, or to place an order, please visit our website at www.PrimaryResearch.com.