Estimating Applications, Transfers and Accepted Offers to the College
Survey of Best Practices in Researching the Wealthy Donor
The Survey of Library Database Licensing Practices, 2014 Edition
Evaluation of the Academic Library by Technology Transfer Offices in Higher Education
The Survey of American Lawyers at Major Law Firms: Hours Worked on Weekends, Holidays and Vacations
The Survey of American Lawyers at Major Law Firms: Use of Tablet Computers
In addition to our publications, Primary Research Group offers proprietary research services
which combine both primary and secondary research to offer deeply detailed studies of market
developments in library services, publishing and content, retail, business services and
industry. Among the many proprietary projects completed have been a major study for a European
government of US markets in textiles, a study of world manufacturing sites for one of the
largest consumer good producers, numerous studies of library and other information technology
for major players in these industries, as well as major studies in digital content markets and
other media. Primary Research Group works on a per project or on a per hour basis depending on
client needs. Call us for a quote.