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Primary Research Group has published Museum & Library Special Collection Use of Major Internet Sites, ISBN 978-1-57440-242-1

Primary Research Group has published Museum & Library Special Collection Use of Major Internet Sites, ISBN 978-1-57440-242-1.


The 133-page study examines how museums and library special collections are using major internet sites such as Pinterest, Facebook, YouTube, Vimeo, Google, Ning, Amazon, Bing, Wikipedia, LinkedIn, Flickr, Instagram, Twitter, and other major sites. The study looks at how these institutions are using these sites for marketing, research, administration, and other areas.


The study looks particularly close at how organizations use the many free services of Google including Google Drive, Google Translate, Google Docs, Google Scholar, Google Books, and many others. In addition, it focuses strongly on the growing use of images and video, especially on sites such as YouTube and Vimeo, and the production costs that may be associated with the effective use of video on these and other sites.


Just a few of the report's many findings are that:

  • 4.00% find Google Translate "highly useful" in their professional library work, 18.00% find it "useful," 40.00% find it "occasionally useful," 8.00% find it "not very useful," and 30.00% either do not know or do not use the site
  • 46.00% of respondents use Twitter in their professional life
  • 52.63% of the library special collections in the sample have developed special Facebook sites for their collections
  • The mean number of Pinterest pins for the organizations sampled was 255

Data in the report is broken out separately for US and non-US institutions, by staff size, divisional budget, type of position (ie curator, librarian, info technology personnel, etc.) and by type of museum or special collection.


For further information visit our website at www.PrimaryResearch.com.