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Primary Research Group has published Library Use of the Mega Internet Sites, 2013 Edition, ISBN 978-1-57440-241-4

Primary Research Group has published Library Use of the Mega Internet Sites, 2013 Edition, ISBN 978-1-57440-241-4.


The study looks closely at how libraries are using Google, Pinterest, Yahoo!, Facebook, YouTube, Wikipedia, Amazon, Bing, Instagram, Vimeo, Twitter, eBay, and many other major internet sites. Just a few of the findings from the study are that:

  • 4.17% of the libraries have workshops which teach patrons to use Craigslist
  • 25% of the libraries sampled give workshops on how to use Wikipedia
  • 90% of college libraries sampled give workshops on how to use Google Scholar
  • A third of legal and corporate libraries sampled considered Google Translate to be "highly useful"
  • Nearly 43% of libraries with an annual budget of more than $1 million considered Bing to be "highly useful"
  • The mean number of subscribers to the Twitter accounts of the libraries in the sample was 323
  • Non-US libraries were much more likely than US libraries to consider MySpace useful
  • About 23% of the libraries sample had a YouTube account
  • Public libraries in the sample spent a mean of $8,000 ordering books from Amazon in the past year
  • 12.5% of libraries sampled use Flickr in their professional work

The 160+ page study is available from Primary Research Group for $72.00. For further information view our website at www.PrimaryResearch.com.