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Primary Research Group has published Global Higher Education Technology Transfer Benchmarks, 2013 Edition, ISBN 978-1-57440-244-5

Primary Research Group has published Global Higher Education Technology Transfer Benchmarks, 2013 Edition, ISBN 978-1-57440-244-5.


The study provides crucial benchmarking data for higher education technology transfer offices, including highly detailed data on budgets, staffing, employee tenure, salaries, legal costs both in-house and outsourced, legal disputes, research and library use, internal and external marketing and public relations, strategies for patent maintenance, cooperative partnerships with industry, relations with various academic departments, trends in the initiation of invention disclosure reports, cooperation levels of the faculty, and many other facets of higher education technology development, licensing, and transfer efforts.

Just a few of the report's main findings are that:

  • The mean number of employees per technology transfer office in the sample rose slightly from 11.33 in 2011 to 11.47 in 2012
  • Mean total spending on salaries rose from $1,316,142 to $1,367,012
  • The mean number of direct employees in the technology transfer office with over five years of service is 5.45, with a median of 1.80
  • A third of technology transfer offices said that their academic library was "virtually useless" in helping them to obtain patent information and another third said it was "not very useful"
  • The number of lawyers employed directly by the technology transfer offices in the sample dropped from 1.06 to 0.78 in 2012
  • The mean number of outside law firms used by the technology transfer offices in the sample was 9.06
  • Patent maintenance accounts for a little more than 28 percent of the legal expenditures by the technology transfer offices in the sample
  • The technology transfer offices sampled expect to reduce spending on outside legal counsel in 2013

The report ($275.00), based on data from 35 major institutions of higher education, is available from Primary Research Group and also from major book vendors such as Amazon, Baker & Taylor, Yankee Book Peddler, Midwest Library Services, Overdrive, Research and Markets, and other distributors of content. For a free excerpt, table of contents, and list of survey participants, or to place an order, visit our website at www.PrimaryResearch.com.