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Primary Research Group has published Training Students at Small & Medium Sized Colleges in Information Literacy, ISBN 978-1-57440-250-6

Primary Research Group has published Training Students at Small & Medium Sized Colleges in Information Literacy, ISBN 978-1-57440-250-6.


The study profiles the information literacy efforts of sixteen small- and medium-sized colleges in North America including: Oberlin College; Ottawa University; Genesee Community College; Marlboro College; Massasoit Community College; Cecil College; Lebanon Valley College; Middlesex Community College; Northeast Community College; Chattanooga State Community College; Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University; River Parishes Community College; Providence College; Pikes Peak Community College; Rollins College; and Schenectady Community College.


Librarians from these colleges discuss their information literacy efforts, pointing out what works and does not work for them, trends in encouraging faculty buy in, use of tutorials and various forms of faculty and student outreach, technology and learning space design issues, and many other facets of information literacy education. The emphasis is on plans and best practices.


For further information, visit our website at www.PrimaryResearch.com.