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Primary Research Group has published Library Use of QR Codes, ISBN 978-1-57440-279-7

Primary Research Group has published Library Use of QR Codes, ISBN 978-1-57440279-7.


The study presents data from 50 academic, public, and special libraries about how they are using QR codes. The report presents detailed information on how many QR codes are being used, where they are used, how they are generated, and how much they are being used. The study looks at the growth of QR codes in libraries over time, and at how libraries are monitoring, publicizing, and educating their patron base about them. Data is broken out for size and type of library, and for the length of time that QR codes have been deployed in the library.


Just a few of the study's main findings are that:

  • While just 8.7% of higher education libraries in the sample use QR codes for virtual reference purposes, this figure jumps to 42.86 percent for law/business and other special libraries
  • 30.61% of all survey participants use QR codes for LibGuides or other research guides
  • While 18.75% of libraries with fewer than 10 employees track patron use of QR codes, this figure rises to 26.32% for the middle employee range (10 to 49) before jumping to 42.86% for the top range (50 or more employees)
  •  An overwhelming 93.88% of survey participants use free apps or services for QR code generation

The study is available directly from Primary Research Group and also from major distributors of books and research reports. Print and PDF versions are available for $80.00. Site licenses are also available. For a table of contents, free excerpt, and participants list, visit our website at www.PrimaryResearch.com