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Primary Research Group has published The Survey of Law Firm Website Management Practices, ISBN 978-1-57440-281-0.
The 88-page study looks closely at how law firms manage their websites focusing on issues and problems such as search engine optimization policies, size of web staff and control of content entry, relation to social media and branding, spending on freelancers and web design consultants, easing access for mobile devices, use of website navigability studies and much more. The report helps its readers to answer questions such as: how often do law firms revise their websites? How much do they spend on revisions? What features of their sites are they most satisfied with? How many enable video downloads from their website? How many have additional or related sites on social media and which social media?
Data is broken out by size of law firm, size of website staff and country of origin of the law firm, with the sample composed largely of American but also UK and Canadian law firms. The mean size of the firms in the sample was 126 partners with a median of 32.
Just a few of the report's many findings are that:
- 71.43% of law firms in the sample with more than 150 total employees had a YouTube presence while only 28.57% of law firms with less than 80 employees had such a presence
- 57% of firms sampled found it difficult to add charts, tables and other tabular data to the law firm website
- More than 70% of firms with more than 60 partners used a commercial content management system as opposed to a home grown or open source alternative
- Only 14.29% of the firms sampled had ever conducted an end user usability study of the firm website
- The mean size of the website staff was 1.38 FTE positions
The study is available directly from Primary Research Group and also from major distributors of books and research reports. Print and PDF versions are available for $109.00. Site licenses are also available. For a table of contents, free excerpt, list of survey participants and the questionnaire, or to place an order, visit our website at