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Primary Research Group has published The Survey of Library & Museum Digitization Projects, 2014 Edition, ISBN 978-1-57440-291-9

Primary Research Group has published The Survey of Library & Museum Digitization Projects, 2014 Edition, ISBN 978-1-57440-291-9.


The study presents data about collection digitization efforts from an international sample of academic, public and special libraries and museums. The study reports on digitization of text, photographs, music/audio, film and microfilm/fiche covering critical areas such as equipment selection, employee training, outsourcing, budgets, funding, metadata and cataloging development, marketing, use of crowdsourcing, app development, licensing and rentals and much more. Data is broken out by type of material digitized, by institutional type, size of institution, and other variables to make benchmarking easier. Through numerous open ended questions survey participants provide advice on use of crowdsourcing, purchasing equipment, copyright clearance, use of social media, cataloging and metadata and more.


Just a few of the report's many findings are that:

  • The mean budget for the digitization project or projects for which the survey participants gave data was $59,427.73 (USD).
  • Special collections departments accounted for about 26% of the overall digitization spending by US libraries in the sample.
  • About 21% of the organizations sampled license or rent any aspect or element of their digital collections to any outside party.
  • Special libraries in the sample had by far the greatest number of online visitors to view their digitized materials, a mean of 811,654 and a median of 50,000 in the past year.
  • 65% of digitization work on microfilm/fiche was outsourced, by far the highest percentage for any source material in the sample.

The study is available directly from Primary Research Group and also from major distributors of books and research reports. Print and PDF versions are available for $98.00. Site licenses are also available. For a table of contents, free excerpt, list of survey participants and the questionnaire, or to place an order, visit our website at www.PrimaryResearch.com.