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Primary Research Group has published Trends in Rare Books and Documents Special Collections Management, 2014-15 Edition, ISBN 978-1-57440-297-1

Primary Research Group has published Trends in Rare Books and Documents Special Collections Management, 2014-15 Edition, ISBN 978-1-57440-297-1.


The study presents detailed interviews with the directors of rare books and document collections at Duke University, the University of Saskatchewan, Cardiff University, Bryn Mawr College, Hamilton College, the University of Glasgow, and Amherst College. The directors discuss, in detail, issues such as collection security, acquisitions, donor management strategy, digitization, marketing and outreach to students, faculty and outside users, exhibits, budgets, and much more.


Among some of the report's highlights:

The study is available directly from Primary Research Group and also from major distributors of books and research reports. Print and PDF versions are available for $85.00. Site licenses are also available. For a table of contents, free excerpt, or to place an order, visit our website at www.PrimaryResearch.com.