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The Survey of Higher Education Faculty: Level of Faculty Satisfaction with the Academic Library

Primary Research Group has published The Survey of Higher Education Faculty:

Level of Faculty Satisfaction with the Academic Library, (ISBN 1-57440-133-5).


The report presents the results of a survey of more than 550 higher education faculty in

the United States and Canada.  Faculty present their opinions on what academic libraries should be spending more money on; they render judgments on journals, books, e-books, workstations and other info technologies, library facilities and even additional librarians. 


The report details the level of faculty satisfaction with library creature comforts,

information literacy efforts, hours of access, research support for faculty, collection

adequacy and other areas.  Data is presented in the aggregate and for 12 criteria including academic field, size of college, type of college, academic title and other factors.


Just a few findings of the report are:


       28.44% of faculty said that they were highly satisfied with their academic

library’s level of physical comfort.


      Satisfaction was high on the issue of the library staff’s capacity to deliver help

when needed.  More than 47% said that they were highly satisfied and 38.53%

said that they were satisfied with their library’s capacity to deliver help when needed.


      Only 14.33% of the faculty in the sample said that they were highly satisfied with the adequacy of their college library’s materials collection for their own personal scholarly pursuits. 


      More than 44% of US-based faculty but only 30.77% of Canadian faculty were highly satisfied with their academic library’s inter-library loan services.


      27.44% of faculty in the sample felt that their library should increase spending on traditional print books. 


The 100+ page study is available from Primary Research Group or from major book distributors; for further information, view our website at www.PrimaryResearch.com or call us at 212-736-2316.