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Primary Research Group has published Survey of Medical School Faculty: Level of Satisfaction with the Medical School Library, ISBN 157440-172-6

Primary Research Group has published The Survey of Medical School Faculty: Level of Satisfaction with the Medical Library, ISBN 1-57440-172-6.


This report explores the levels of satisfaction of medical faculties with their medical libraries on topics ranging from comfort and hours of access to interlibrary loan services and the quality of the collections for their scholarly pursuits, among others. 141 universities are represented, from both the United States and abroad, covering a wide range of medical specialties. Extensive data is presented about faculty opinions on library spending as well as on library databases.


Just a few of the report’s many findings are that: 


  • 7.8% of participants would increase library spending on traditional print books if given the opportunity, while 35.46% would push to spend more on e-books
  • 26.87% of non-tenured faculty not on a tenure track were “highly satisfied” with the expertise of library subject specialists at their respective medical libraries, as compared to 8.33% of non-tenured faculty on a tenure track
  • 46.67% of private schools rate the availability and quality of instruction in library resources at their medical libraries as “excellent”


The 81-page study is available for $95.00. The PDF version is currently available and the print version will be ready to ship on August 1. Site licenses are also offered for $189.00. For a table of contents and sample data, please visit our website at www.PrimaryResearch.com.