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Primary Research Group has published Public Library Computer Technology Benchmarks, ISBN 157440-172-6

Primary Research Group has published Public Library Computer Technology Benchmarks, ISBN 1-57440-168-8.


This report looks closely at public library computer technology policies, touching on topics that range from operating budgets and purchasing/lending plans to library hardware preferences. Over 40 public libraries are represented, from the United States, Canada, and Australia. Extensive data is presented about library stocks of personal computers, information technology staffing, library computer centers and complexes, and more.


Just a few of the report’s many findings are that:


  • The median budget for all libraries surveyed was just above $2,000,000.
  • Only 18.37% of libraries have purchased the Apple iPad.
  • Libraries preferred Dell computers over all other brands, as participants plan on purchasing, on average, 16 Dell computers per library over the next year. By comparison, all other brands recorded a median of 0, while Dell posted a median of 4.
  • Only 10% of responders have computers that can dual-boot Apple and Microsoft operating systems.
  • 78% of survey participants do not loan out laptop computers to patrons.


The 218-page study is available for $72.00 in print, $56.00 in PDF form. Site licenses are also offered for $98.00. For a table of contents and sample data, please visit our website at www.PrimaryResearch.com.