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Primary Research Group has published Survey of Medical School Faculty: Use of Journals, Databases, Repositories, and other Medical Information Sources

Primary Research Group has published Survey of Medical School Faculty: Use of Journals, Databases, Repositories, and other Medical Information Sources, ISBN 1-57440-169-6.


This report looks closely at the use of the medical library and use of specific information resources by medical faculty. The report gives highly detailed data on medical school faculty use of databases, journals, institutional digital repositories, medical blogs, wikis and listservs and other medical information resources. The report also covers the extent of use of the library, including number of times researchers conduct searches, and visit the library. The study relates highly detailed information on the percentage of medical faculty who have received training on specific medical databases such as Ovid, PubMed, Medline, Web or Science and many others, as well as their preferences for print or online versions of medical journals.  In addition, the report includes data on how medical faculty rate their familiarity with various information vehicles such as blogs, wikis, databases, online journals, etc, and how they prefer to learn about their use.


Just a few of the report’s many findings are that:


  • The mean number of visits per month by the researchers to any library associated with their college is 1.92. Within the same time frame, the faculty tapped into a college library databases a mean of approximately 45 times.
  • 46.1% of faculty sampled have received training from a librarian or other information professional in how to use PubMed.
  • Less than 1% of medical faculty are unfamiliar with the use of online medical journals and databases.
  • 58% feel that paper versions of academic journals in the academic library are a waste of time and money.
  • Only 14% of American faculty have contributed publications to their library’s digital repository, while more than 38% of those overseas have done so.


The 134-page study is available for $119.00 in print and PDF form. Site licenses are also offered for $229.00. For a table of contents and sample data, please visit our website at www.PrimaryResearch.com.