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The Survey of Higher Education Faculty: Grants, Research Funding & Oversight


The Survey of Higher Education Faculty: Grants, Research Funding & Oversight presents data on the prevailing conditions in obtaining grants and other forms of research support for higher education faculty in the United States and Canada.  The report gives extensive data on number of grants applied for this year and last, the percentage of faculty who currently have funding, the percentage of faculty who have ever received a grant of more than $10,000 and the percentage of total grants received accounted for by funds from US or Canadian federal government sources.  Survey participants also give their impressions of trends in grant acceptance rates in their disciplines.

The report also covers internal grants, estimating the total percentage of research support accounted for by transfers within the college or university itself, and relating which faculty tend to get these grants.  The study also presents hard figures on the frequency and size of discretionary grants. In addition, The Survey of Higher Education Faculty: Grants, Research Funding & Oversight, gives highly detailed information on faculty supervision of student research, and faculty participation as referees and judges for research journals.

The report presents the results of a survey of more than 550 higher education faculty inthe United States and Canada.  Data is presented in the aggregate and for 12 criteria including academic field, size of college, type of college, academic title and other factors.

Available January 2010


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