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Trends in Training College Faculty, Students & Staff in Computer Literacy


This report looks closely at how nine institutions of higher education are approaching the question of training faculty, staff and students in the use of educationally oriented information technologies. The report helps answer questions such as: what is the most productive way to help faculty to master new information technologies?  How much should be spent on such training?

What are the best practices?  How should distance learning instructors be trained?  How formal, and how ad-hoc, should training efforts be?  What should be computer literacy standards among students? How can subject specific computer literacy be integrated into curriculums?  Should colleges develop their own training methods, buy packaged solutions, find them on the web?

Organizations profiled include: Brooklyn Law School, Florida State University College of Medicine, Indiana University Southeast, Texas Christian University, Clemson University, the Teaching & Learning Technology Group, the Appalachian College Association, Tuskegee Institute and the University of West Georgia.

