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The Survey of College Offices of Institutional Advancement or Fundraising


This report looks closely at the management and fundraising activities of college offices of institutional advancement or their equivalent.  Survey participants rate the fundraising methods most useful to them, including brick campaigns, facility naming campaigns, telethons, auctions, and capital campaigns, among others.  The report offers hard data on spending on direct mail, telephone solicitation and other fundraising methods, as well as benchmarking data on advancement office funding, personnel, office space, use of consultants and budgets.  The study also offers data on spending on rewards for donors, donor outreach and other facets of college fundraising.

Survey participants relate what they do on their own, what they outsource, how often they use campaign consultants, and what kind of consultants that they use - as well as revealing their future plans for use of them.

Nearly 400 tables of data in this 140-page report are broken out by value of endowment, enrollment size, type of college and public/private status of the college.

