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Redesigning the College Library Building


Redesigning the College Library Building, a successor report to our study Academic Library Building Renovation Benchmarks, looks closely at the expansion and alteration plans of American college libraries.  The study presents detailed data on capital spending current practices and future plans, specifying investment intent in critical areas such as information technology, new buildings, energy saving technology, furniture, "information commons" and other technology centers, auditoriums and classroom space, staff offices and collection storage space, among others. 

This highly detailed 225+ page report includes details on purchases of artwork for the library. uses and planned uses of external space, frequency of use of architects and other services, and much more.  The study presents an array of data on the current and expected impact of digitization of collection content on use of library space, as well as specific information on assessing the results of major rennovation projects. 

Data in the report is based on a survey of 45 North American colleges; data is broken out by size and type of college, and by budget for rennovation or alteration projects.


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