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Global Higher Education Technology Transfer Office Outreach & Marketing Activities


Derived from our popular Global Higher Education Technology Transfer Office Benchmarks, this condensed report focuses solely on internal and external marketing efforts, developments in public relations, and the partnerships formed by tech transfer offices. With over 200 tables broken out by country, enrollment, technological area, institution, and number of employees, the report follows office trends and practices concerning invention disclosure reports, detailing the number of reports received each year since 2009 as well as the roles faculty members play in these processes. Among other concerns, the report investigates the public relations efforts of these offices, outlining department spending habits on several vehicles of marketing, including web advertising, mass mailings, and video and media productions. Do these offices partner with any foreign universities? Do they partner with any industry or company groups? These questions and more are answered in this 102-page report based on information provided by 35 university technology transfer offices in the US, the UK, and Europe.


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