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The Survey of Library Cafes, 2012-13 Edition


This 78-page report examines the food service operations of 29 academic and public libraries, with over 175 tables tracking sales tendencies, revenues, and other benchmarking statistics of library cafes, restaurants, and food carts. The report sets out to investigate who runs the library's food service operations, citing total cost of salaries, seasonal hours of the cafe, and overall satisfaction. Also included are participants' written responses detailing the cafe's best- and worst-selling products, as well as advice to peers concerning the marketing, development, and management of the library cafe. Has opening a cafe in the library led to an increase in the number of library visitors? Approximately what percentage of total revenue is accounted for by sales of coffee, bagels, sandwiches, and a variety of other foods? Which types of foods generate the most income? The answers to these questions and more will help end users evaluate and assess the library cafe.


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