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The Survey of College Marketing Programs, 2013 Edition


This 157-page study looks closely at the marketing efforts and advertising spending policies of a sample of 42 North American colleges. The study presents detailed data on spending on Google, YouTube, Facebook, Vimeo, Yahoo and Bing, as well as spending on radio, television, billboards, direct mail, ezines, website sponsorships, SEO strategies, opt-in email, viewbooks, magazine and newspaper space ads and other marketing vehicles.  In addition, the report looks at the use of marketing, advertising, public relations and video development firms and consultant, presenting detailed information on current and planned use, and expenditure levels.  Data in the report is broken out by size and type of college and by the extent that students are drawn from the local area. 

The study helps college marketers to answer questions such as:  How much was spent on newspaper advertising and what is the outlook for the near future?  What percentage of college student recruitment spending was accounted for by online marketing and how has this percentage changed in the recent past?  What percentage of colleges use a recruitment oriented blog for marketing? How centralized are marketing efforts? Do all colleges visit high school guidance counselors? What is the average cost of printing viewbooks?  How have colleges altered their websites to enhance their marketing appeal in recent years?




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