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The Survey of College Offices of Advancement or Fundraising, 2013 Edition


This 220+ page report gives detailed data on institutional advancement or fundraising offices in higher education, including coverage of budgets, staffing, office space and salaries, favored fundraising techniques, and the overall thrust and dimensions of the fundraising effort, including data on live auctions, telethons, bequests, raffles, facility-naming gifts,  the annual fund campaign and other efforts. The study includes details on the number of pieces mailed in direct mail efforts, views on the usefulness of blogs, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook and other internet tools for college fundraising, and precise information on the total cost structure for fundraising efforts. In addition the report covers open rates on email campaigns, use of merit-based pay, use of fundraising consultants and related spending, sources of funding for the advancement office, means of rewarding or incentivizing donors, trends in raising money from faculty and staff and more.





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