This 220+ page report looks closely at the capital
spending plans and building renovation/construction policies
of academic libraries, predominantly in the USA and Canada.
The study covers capital spending and space allocation plans
with highly detailed data on recent library spending and
future plans for the construction or renovation of library
cafes, seating space, lighting, atriums, classroom space,
information commons and other technology-oriented spaces,
group study space, storage space, collection space, rooftop
space, offices, meeting spaces and auditoriums, entrances and
exits, restrooms, gardens and other outdoor spaces, artwork,
windows, space and facilities for special collections,
performance space, space intended for library applications for
specific academic departments and other forms of library space
and special features. In addition, the report looks at other
forms of capital spending such as plans for library furniture,
workstations,information technology and more. The study also
presents extensive data on sources of funding for renovations
and new construction as well as data on how renovations have
been received by the target audience. Redesigning the College
Library Building, 2014 Edition also examines special purpose
investments in energy saving technology, enhancements to
natural light and soundproofing, among others. Data is broken
out for public and private colleges, by size and type of
college, and by college tuition level.