This 135-page international study of the digital
repositories of universities and other research oriented
organizations presents data from 35 digital repositories from
the USA, Canada, Europe and Latin America.
The report presents detailed information on downloads,
source of downloads, repository website activity, publishing
activities, repository marketing, budgets and funding,
staffing, fees and revenues, outreach to faculty, content
holdings, and many other facets of institutional digital
repository management and development. The report provides
trend data on the inclusion of various types of intellectual
property including journal articles, books, classroom video
and lectures and other materials. The study pinpoints how
repositories are being used and by whom, defining for
repository policy planners growth areas in the type of
intellectual property being downloaded by repository end
Data is broken out for US and non-US institutions, by
public or private status of the institution, and by Carnegie
class, Full time enrollment, and years in operation for the
digital repository.