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The Survey of Distance Learning Programs in Higher Education, 2014 Edition


This study looks closely at the finances, educational management, enrollment prospects, technology use, advertising strategy and other facets of distance learning programs in higher education. The 165+ page report gives detailed data on the following: enrollment trends, tuition prices, marketing spending, program costs, role in developing MOOCs, use of and plans for use of MOOCs from other institutions, and much much more.

This study paints a statistical portrait of the performance of distance learning programs in higher education. The report helps its readers to answer questions such as: How many distance learning programs are using MOOCs from colleges other than their own? What has been the overall trend in enrollment? What are program semester to semester retention rates? What is the cost of developing new courses? How much do distance learning programs spend on Facebook or Google advertising? How about on direct mail or radio? What are the trends for the future? What role are distance learning programs playing in the development of MOOCs? How are the programs using video and lecture capture technology? Data is broken out by type and size of college and by size of distance learning program.


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