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Survey of Use of Direct Mail in Fundraising


The 94-page study presents detailed data on the direct mail fundraising efforts of 38 non-profits, of which two-thirds are institutions of higher education. The study helps its readers to answer questions such as: Has direct mail spending kept pace with other forms of fundraising spending? To what extent has email replaced direct mail? What percentage of total funds are raised by direct mail?  How much are organizations spending overall and per piece of mail sent?  

What is the overall cost structure and what percentage of costs is accounted for by design, printing, fulfillment, postage and other costs? What has been the impact on direct mail strategies of digital printing? How many organizations engage in collaborative mailings?  What are the best sources of mailing lists? Is direct mail passé? How do organizations make their direct mail and opt-in email strategies work in harmony? How do their social media strategies impact their direct mail effort? Do they handle mailings in-house or do they outsource? If they outsource which services do they use?


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