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International Survey of Academic Library Data Curation Practices, 2014-15 Edition


This 100+ page report looks closely at the data curation and management practices of 17 colleges and universities including the University of Surrey, Columbia University, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the University of Toronto, the University of Brasilia, Colorado State University and many others. The report covers how libraries deal with data management plans for grant proposals, tutorials and training in data management for scholars, library spending for data curation, relations with other players in data curation such as offices of research and academic faculties, metadata development for datasets, and other issues in data curation and data management.

Just a few of the report’s many findings are that:

  • 70.59 percent of all libraries in the sample offer advice to faculty on how to develop data management plans for grant proposals or personal use
  • 17.65 percent of all participating libraries use videos or web-based tutorials to train faculty in data management
  • The mean size of the data curation staff was 2.14 FTE
  • Just one library in the sample has ever received an external grant to support activities in data curation

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