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The Survey of American College Students: Computer Technology Preferences & Purchasing Plans

Print:$495.00 / $119.00 (Accredited Academic Institution Price)
PDF:$525.00 / / $129.00 (SpecialAccredited Academic Institution Price)
Multi-SiteLicense:$995.00 / $365.00 (Special Accredited Academic Institution Price)

This report presents data from a survey of more than 400 American college students.  The report presents data on student computer ownership of both PCs and laptops, purchasing plans for PCs and laptops, as well as purchasing plans for cell phones and digital cameras.  The report also provides details on how student finance their computer purchases, how much money comes from parents or guardians, and how much from the student themselves, or from their parties.  In addition to data on PCs the report provides detailed info on use of popular word processing packages such as Word, WordPerfect and Open Office.

Available August 2009


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