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The Survey of Higher Education Faculty: Use of Academic Library Interlibrary Loan Services


The report presents data on who uses academic library interlibrary loan services, and what its patrons think of various aspects of the interlibrary loan service.  The study presents detailed data on what faculty think of the cost of interlibrary loan service, its timeliness, and the preparedness and knowledge of library interlibrary loan staff.  Overall satisfaction ratings are broken down and listed separately for faculty from various academic disciplines, for tenured and non tenured faculty, and for many other criteria.  Precise data on the extent to which faculty have bypassed interlibrary loan to procure materials without library staff assistance is also included.

The data is based on a survey of more than 550 higher education faculty in the United States and Canada.  Data is presented in the aggregate and for 12 criteria including size of college, type of college, academic title and other factors.

Available December 2009


  sample   table