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Law Library Benchmarks, 2012-13 Edition


This report closely examines trends for law libraries in materials spending, technology purchases, personnel and space allocation, web use and other issues. The study presents detailed data on spending on journals, books,newspapers and magazines, print reporter, eBooks, online databases and other information vehicles, as well as data on salaries and overall budget, in aggregate, and as a percentage change from prior years.  Data presented on the extent of materials spending accounted for by print resources and plans for both print resource and digital resource spending for the future.

In addition to spending data the report examines law library plans in areas such as cloud computing, tablet computer and eBook readers, use of blogs and other social media, including extensive data on the extent of use of specific legal blogs by law librarians.

The study also covers policies on cost recovery of online database expenses, giving detailed information on charge backs and the extent to which clients pay for online searches, with data for both external and internal clients of the library, as well as data on how the policies governing these charge backs have changed in recent years, or may change in the future.



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